A strong finish to a captivating series. Not all fans of the series will enjoy the way the author ended it, but it will definitely give them something to talk about!
Skye is an incredibly strong female protagonist that comes into her power in such a realistic, gradual way. I really appreciated that Skye wasn’t a superhero from the beginning-she had to learn who she was, what she could do, and then work at it. When the protagonist has to work to be strong, she is so very relatable and a great role model. Now, there were some times when Skye’s humanity shows through-when she makes decisions, or doesn’t, and she seems like an idiot. But that just makes her more likable to me, because she’s being realistic. She’s being human. She’s making mistakes and not being a superwoman, and I really do appreciate that.
The writing is good, the romance takes backstage to the protagonist’s journey, and the epic battle is, well, simply epic! I felt it was a strong wrap-up of the series, but not all readers of the first 2 books will think so.
Great for fans of the Beautiful Creatures, Shatter Me, Wither, Daughter of Smoke & Bone, and other supernatural and dystopian romances.